sexta-feira, 22 de julho de 2011

Aula de Inglês: 22 de julho

Hoje só tivemos aula de inglês. O tempo restante ficamos no laboratório estudando e resolvendo os exercicios de Algoritmo. Depois envio para todos o que se fez na aula.

Abaixo o conteúdo de Inglês. As últimas questões o prof. Eduardo irá responder e comentar na próxima aula, bem como cobrou dos 8 quer ficaram para a aula as respostas do livro.


The Cost of Health

Stay healthy, my friend, because the cost of health, which increases with the dawning of each day, is enough to make you sick.

1 - A palavras acima, escrita em um cartaz espalhado por toda a cidade:

a) – Contém uma critica às pessoas que só pensam em doença;
b) – Informam que levantar bem cedo é ótimo para a saúde;
c) – advertem que cada vez se gasta mais quando se fica doente. “O custo da saúde”

Atenção: para a alternativa que você escolher indique, na frente da alternativa, o trecho do texto que justifique sua resposta.



I was told that if a girl wants a husband, she should sleep with a piece of wedding cake under her pillow.

2 - Disseram que:

a) – Para arranjar marido, as moças devem dormir com um pedaço de bolo de noiva embaixo do travesseiro;
b) – A moça que disse que quer arranjar um marido pôs pedaço de bolo de noiva em baixo do travesseiro;
c) – A moça quer que o marido durma com um pedaço de bolo de noiva embaixo do travesseiro para que ele arranje outro casamento.


A good brother

Mother: Tony, why did you put a frog in you sister´s bed?
Tony: well, mom, I only did it because I couldn´t find a snake.

3 – Tony:

a) – Was questioned by his mother about his behavior towards his sister.
b) – Kept a zoo at home
c) – Mistook a frog for a snake

4 – Change the sentences from affirmative form to negative form.

a) – Samuel Pepys is a big writer
Resposta: a) – Samuel Pepys is not a big writer

b) – Jessica Lopes is a good singer.
Resposta: b) – Jessica Lopes is not a good singer.

c) – Argentina is a most notated from American Cup.
Resposta: c) – Argentina is not a most notated form American Cup.

d) – The chair is the no chair
Resposta: d) – The chair is not the no chair

5 – Choose the correct alternative about the use a verb be

a) – Manuela was worried about her sister
b) – But Manuela´s sistem not care.
c) – It common siste´s don´t agree in teenager hood.
d) – Manuela has 15 yo and Marly has 12 yo.

6 – The interrogative form from the sentence “Lost and Found is a serious disaster recovery tool for Windows” is:

a) – Is Lost and found a serious disaster recovery Windows?
b) – Lost and found is a serious disaster recovery Windows?
c) – Is a serious disaster Lost and Found recovery Windows?
d) – Lost and Found are a serious disaster recovery Windows?

7) – Supply the verb to be in the simple present.

We ________ students;
She and I ________ here
Vinicius ________ my nephew
The dogs ________ under the table
I ________ very tired
Lorena and Fernando ________ parents

8 – Supply the verb to be in the simple past.

1. We ________ students;
2. She and I ________ here yesterday;
3. Vinicius ________ my nephew
4. The dogs ________ under the table
5. I ________ very tired
6. Lorena and Fernando ________ parents

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